3-Bean Salad with Avocado Cashew Dressing

3-Bean Salad with Avocado Cashew Dressing

The other day I was standing at the deli counter in my grocery store waiting for a lid to an olive bar container.  I stood there staring at the various “salads” that lay limp, soaked in dressings and vinegars, and couldn’t take my eyes off of the 3-bean salad.  It was drowning in a pool of vinegar dressing, which I imagined was sweetened to death with loads of sugar just to make it palatable.  I thought to myself, this potluck/family reunion staple needs a makeover.  I’ve got green beans from my CSA and dried black beans and chickpeas waiting to be used; let’s jazz up this boring, tired salad and give it a fresh zippy kick in the beans!  {see what i did there}