
jaime, the seasonal veg head
Hi there! I’m Jaime. I love veggies. Like, ridiculously love veggies. I consider myself a veg head: not quite vegetarian, but mostly so. I do eat eggs. I do eat seafood. I do eat chocolate-covered bananas and fried cheese. Pretzel buns? Forget about it, I’m in. But I do try to eat seasonal and local as much as possible. It’s better food, better for the earth, and better for the local community.


In this little dot on the web world map, I share recipes, ramblings, and reviews regarding all things seasonal, local, eco-friendly, and just plain delicious. A few other things may pop in from time to time, but the meat of this mostly vegetarian-friendly blog relates to my culinary curiosity, love for the locavore, and an abundant appetite for (alliterations???)…food!

I started this blog because I love to cook and I want to push myself to learn more. I am neither a chef, nor food stylist, nor photographer. I just really super duper like to cook, bigtime.  I love everything related to cooking…sharing stories and meals, reading cookbooks and blogs, menu-planning, drooling over food photos, and of course eating! Over the past few years I’ve learned more about food issues and food politics. I became active in helping run a farmers market and am a member of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). I’ve learned a lot, but I have an infinite amount more to learn!

I’d love to hear from you, let’s connect!  Please feel free to share comments, ideas, questions, and any other veg head worthy thing that might pop into your (veg) head!

I’m hungry, let’s veg out!

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Jamie! Sara and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! The link w/ the info & questions is here: http://thefriendlyfig.com/2014/09/10/liebster-award/

    We hope you enjoy answering them 🙂 xx Bianca & Sara

  2. How awesome, I’m so flattered! Thanks so much!! 🙂

  3. Thank you for your offerings! I look forward to reading more from you!

  4. Hi! I nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award because you’re amazing! You can find the instructions on my blog page : veeganista.com

  5. I just came across your blog and how excited I am! I spent 2 hours reading and planning/plotting. Can’t wait for more.

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