Golden Beet Soup with Cumin and Lime Sour Cream

Golden Beet Soup with cumin and lime sour cream

This is sunshine soup.  It’s the the kind of soup that will cheer you up in the dead of winter.  In fact, just peeling and dicing the beets, exposing their brilliantly yellow flesh, put a great big smile on a my face.  There’s just something about that color – sunny, warm, cheerful – that will wash away all the gray, stuck-indoors feelings of a frigid January.  Smokey cumin and spicy red pepper flakes evoke the cradling heat of a dry Mexican desert while a burst of lime leaves you resting on the white beaches of a tropical getaway.  Daydream.  Forget about winter for just a moment and brighten your day with this sunshine soup!

golden beets

Ginger Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries

Strawberries are just now coming into season.  They’re a little later than usual because of the cold, rainy weather we’ve had.  But they’re starting to arrive and I’m happy.  I love strawberries.  They’re just so darn pretty.  Ruby red bulbs speckled with tiny yellowish seeds and green spikey leaves…they’re kinda punk rock.  I like that.