Leek and Asparagus Scrambled Eggs with Parmesan

Leek and Asparagus Scrambled Eggs with Parmesan

Springtime is one of my busiest times of the year.  I help run a farmer’s market and a kids program at that market, so the couple months leading up to Opening Day is hella hectic!  Not to mention it’s one of the busiest times of year for my husband, too; a professor and sculptor.  So…our meals tend to be quicker and easier and use fewer dishes — mostly because they’re all piled up in the sink waiting to be washed.

This spring-y breakfast (or breakfast-for-dinner) hits that “I want eggs/I want vegetables/But I don’t want to do dishes” spot.  It’s all done in just one pan — no separate bowls for whisking eggs or a separate pan for cooking the vegetables.  You just cook the vegetables first then break the eggs directly into the pan and stir ’em around (a.k.a. scramble them) as they cook.  It’s easy, virtually mess-free, and really good!

Garlicky Spinach Frittata

Garlicky Spinach Frittata
Egg cookery can be intimidating.  The perfect fried egg with completely cooked but silky whites and totally runny yolks.  Beautifully round poached eggs with no craggy whites dangling off.  Fluffy, barely golden omelets with a creamy yet adequately cooked center.  Eggs can be a real trip.  But they don’t have to be.  Frittatas are your friend.  They’re the lazy (ahem…impatient) cook’s omelet.  They’re easy, they don’t require careful flipping or folding or just-simmering water, it’s easy to tell when the eggs are fully cooked, and you can do it all in one pan —  that’s the kind of cooking I love.

Sunny!…side-up eggs w/ roasted asparagus & parmesan

It’s a Saturday mornin…the coffee’s brewin, the hubby’s still sleepin, and the sun’s a shinin! I’m whistlin that one tune from Monty Python’s The Life of Brian…”always look on the bright side of life”…insert whistling sequence. There’s a sense of quirky-calm in the house and what better way to celebrate the jubilant morn than to roast up some early spring asparagus and top it with sunny side-up eggs and a few smatterings of grated parmesan cheese. Delicate, delightful, delicious!