Brûléed Peaches

Brûléed Peaches

Sometimes you have failures in the kitchen.  You come up with a recipe idea, execute it, and it just doesn’t come out right.  Back to square one.  It can be a real bummer.

Other times, you have recipe failures and out of them comes something brilliant!  That’s what happened here.  I really wanted to make peach crème brûlée.  I had a bunch of peach skins I saved from making a recipe with peeled peaches.  I thought I could steep the peach skins in the cream and that would impart a light peachy flavor into the crème brûlée.  I was so excited.  My husband and son were so excited.  We couldn’t wait to crack into that sugared top and dig into the creamy peach custard!  But it didn’t work.  You couldn’t taste any peach at all.  Major bummer.

Then an idea struck me.  Why not just brûlée the peaches themselves and serve them with ice cream?  Yes, so much yes!